Champagne Claude Michez
  • Vigneron indépendant
  • Haute Valeur Environnementale
  • Tourisme Epernay en Champagne
In conversion to organic farming n°AB0097.V1

The history of the Claude-Michez Champagne House

Generations of winegrowers in love with their land.

Grand père Moise

Family values are at the heart of our family history, and HERE in the terroir of Boursault, the owners work all year round in their vineyards.

The DOMAINE is first and foremost a family story, handed down through the years by our ancestors and grandparents, and developed by Jacqueline and Claude MICHEZ who created their own brand of CHAMPAGNE in 1973 thanks to the village wine cooperative.

Maternal grandmother, Jacqueline, her brother "Dédé" and some grape-pickers in early 1960.

Années 60
Jacqueline et Claude

Jacqueline et Claude, are still driven by the values of giving meaning, knowing and promoting our terroir, and preserving our heritage.


Giving meaning, knowing and promoting the terroir,
preserving our heritage - these are the values that drive Laurence and Cyrille

Our story begins with the vineyard…
We cultivate the vines with passion and a strong guiding principle: to produce organically grown grapes and fine wines that are representative of our terroir.

This goal can only be achieved through a combination of skills and know-how from our meticulous and demanding work in the vineyard punctuated by the seasons, our respect for our terroirs and care to the harvest and to the people who come to work alongside us to the precision and diversity in our vinification, the mastery of bottling, the ageing process, disgorging, dosage, corking.

The ultimate step at the moment of serving the champagne is also to imagine all the work that has gone into achieving this final moment of beautiful, fine bubbles. Then we are able to share a true moment of tasting and pleasure to finally discover all the aromas...

We became récoltants manipulants (RM) in 2010 and have been respecting the Independent Winegrowers Charter since 2015.

Dans les vignes

The history of the Domaine is now being written by Laurence and Cyrille, assisted by Sébastien and Aloys.

As passionate artisan winemakers, we do everything from A to Z, from the vine to marketing.

Vigneron Indépendant - HVE

Visit & Tastings

Whether you're a curious enthusiast, a seasoned connoisseur, a discerning taster or a lover of flavours, we invite you to enjoy an incomparable experience during a visit put together for your pleasure.

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Dans les vignes